Created and developed by professionals
DecideInClick was conceived to be a complete tool
Do you have a decision to make but need more clarity?
Do you have to pick among various options but not sure with which to go? DecideInClick can help
Via an algorithm, DecideInClick will help you make your own decisions posing, at most, 35 questions always worth considering when deciding, which will take you under 5 minutes to answer.
DecideInClick is a free app and storage is local. Your info and data you generate as a user of DecideInClick will only be stored on your device for you to share with whomever you like on your networks. The decisions you make are delegated to you.

Keep in mind all the possible factors
DecideInClick will help you mull over all your options

There are different factors associated with every decision that always need careful consideration. To forget one might mean the efforts are rendered pointless or the real issue becomes that much harder to solve.
And even though we behave rationally in general, at a point of making decisions we tend to be swayed by sentiment and emotion, leading us to quite a few problematic divergences, confrontations and fails. Before making a decision on any question, significant or small, you ought to make an educated evaluation, in a rational manner without being utterly swayed by emotion.
Decision and objective
What is the actual objective you are after?
In this sense, the first and foremost is to identify the objective that you are really after and which decision needs to be made to reach it, though they need not coincide (for example, even though your decision may be to buy an apartment, it need not be your objective as well. If your objective is to enjoy the perks of home with your family, another decision to evaluate, besides buying, may be renting).
This dilemma may arise in simple decisions as well. You may try to decide whether to go see a movie or not. In this case, your decision will coincide with your objective if you have been looking forward to the movie for some time because you’re fan of the saga. Or else, it will not coincide if your objective is to spend a fun evening with friends. In this case you can also choose to do something different, like a shopping trip, a game, drinks at a bar, etc.
If your decision coincides with your objective, you do not have to differentiate between the two words when answering the questionnaire. In cases where you have different decisions for the same objective, you may want to evaluate each decision separately, even though the objective coincides, and determine, by comparing each respective index, which decision works for you best.

Frequently asked questions
No, you can use DecideInClick offline, without an internet connection.
The resulting score is between 0 and 1, with 1 being the highest score and a resounding “yes” to your decision.
DecideInClick stores data locally, making it completely private.
Not always. If your decision matches your objective, you don’t have to differentiate between the two words when answering the questionnaire. In cases where you have different decisions for the same objective, it would be advisable for you to evaluate each decision separately, even if the objective coincides, and then determine by comparing their respective indexes which decision works best for you.
Watch out: A high index shows greater possibilities of achieving your objective, as well as a low associated cost if you fail to try, after making your decision. It does not mean that you are certain to achieve your objective.